Monday 19 January 2015

Michelle Mischkulnig - Amazing Artist

Today I'm Loving...Michelle Mischkulnig !

I love art - but most of all I love textile art or fibre art. Amazing works made of textiles that are manipulated and collaged and sewn into fabulous eye candy.

My history with textiles stems from the age of 4 years old when my parents gave me a sewing machine for my birthday. It was a singer hand cranked one (no electricity) with a bobbin case that looked like a spaceship. I loved that machine and created all sorts of exotic creations on it.

But enough about me for now - I want to introduce you to the amazing works of Michelle Mischulnig. She is an Australian textile artist who - like me was introduced to sewing by her Mother and Grandmother. If I ever have a daughter (or a son) I am definitely going to pass on this wonderful gift.

When I grow up I wanna be a textile artist just like Michelle Mischkulnig!

By Michelle Mischkulnig


Here is a little bit from her website;

...I hand paint my silks, I collect threads, cords, paper, fabric and find objects — a  bit like a bower bird (only my collection is a kaleidoscope of colour). I build up layers of colour and texture, tearing, cutting, twisting and fraying. I love the way silk absorbs and reflects colour. Each textile piece evolves as I am making it. I never know what will inspire me to go in a new direction, try some new ingredient and push myself to experiment with something new. Creating is always exciting, like reading an embracing book, when you can’t wait to turn the next page and the next and the next...

By Michelle Mischkulnig
Wonderful colour and texture.....
By Michelle Mischkulnig
By Michelle Mischkulnig
I would suggest to take a look at her Facebook page as there are more photos and posts are up to date.

Check out her website here:
And find her on Facebook here:

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