Tuesday 10 March 2015

Getting back into painting - big time!

Hello all,

It's been aaaaages since I last posted and so much has changed in my life since then - for the better!
I have seriously gotten back into painting and so full of ideas and creativity. I feel so stressfree and calm.
Awhile ago I had the good foresight to purchase Suzi Blu's book - "Mixed media girls" and I am so glad I did - a whole new world was opened up to me.

Suzi Blu is a quirky whimsical artist that combines alsorts of mixed media techniques such as collage and encaustic wax. She's crazy and funny and also very cool.
The book comes with a DVD with some video crash courses in her techniques. (That's what the big blue spot is on the cover)
I highly recommend this book to anyone wanting to learn how to draw cute little doll like girls.
I bought mine from Amazon because she couldn't deliver to my little island - but for those who live in the more accessible parts of the world it is best to buy it directly from her at www.suzibluart.com

So here are some pics of what I have been working on lately....

"Pti Fiy" 20 x 20cm (Seychelles Creole translated - "little girl")

Marriette 20 x 20 cm

Une Petite Sirène (a little mermaid) she's still in progress...

Okay I apologize right now for the following empty squares! No matter what I do I cannot get rid of them. :-( arrrrrrrrrr  I have downloaded the Blogger app onto my iPad and am attempting to blog from here from now on - I know it's gonna drive me crazy! Where is the undo arrow??? Ha ha bear with me for future posts....

Mariette 20 x 20cm
Une Petite Sirène

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