Wednesday 18 March 2015

I have no perspective I am unstructured and unsymmetrical !!!

Well at least I am trying to be....

My favorite artists (like the previously mentioned in another post) Suzi Blu and Susanna Tavares create amazing works of art that are so free and seemly unstructured and unsymmetrical. It gives their work a childlike feel, loose and surreal with figures as tall as houses and  body parts in awkward positions and yet on closer inspection the pieces take on a sophistication all of their own. 

I am trying to learn this loose freeness in my drawing and painting. I find it very difficult to embark on a painting with out first sketching it out in great detail erasing and redoing sections multiple times getting it just right.  I have never been good at perspective and my analytical mind screams for symmetry. 

I have been trying out some sketches trying to break down the need for symmetry that holds me hostage and just drawing without thinking, here are some examples....

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