Friday 16 January 2015

Good Food, Good Company and yummy FOOD!

LOL anyone who knows me  - knows that I loooove food!
Today I was treated to lunch by an old friend at the new recently opened Eden Bleu Hotel - situated on Eden Island, Seychelles.

The Hotel Restaurant opens out to the amazing vista of the turquoise waters of the marina where huge and I mean HUGE million dollar yachts loll lazily in the midday sun.

Eden Bleu Hotel - Restaurant
 My friend went for Caesar Salad that came served in a bowl/basket made of parmesan cheese - it looked fabulous - almost a shame to eat it!

Caesar Salad - Eden Bleu Hotel, Seychelles Islands.
 I went for the tried and true favourite - Fish and Chips, which was presented in a miniature, cute little frying basket. Now you may be asking - why I chose to go with something so normal as fish and chips at such a swanky place? Well here in paradise we do have the luxury of having the best fish in the world (gloat gloat!) so I had a feeling that it was going to be anything but ordinary.

Fish and Chips - Eden Bleu Hotel, Seychelles Islands.
And I was not disappointed! So often battered fish is overdone and becomes dry and tasteless  - but the Job fish was cooked to perfection and the Tartare Sauce was creamy yumminess!

So today I'm loving.... Eden Bleu Hotel Restaurant! (And lazy lunches with crazy French men that make me laugh)

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